Customer Support

Problem Solvers

Forward Thinking


The Tutis3 Story

Tutis3 is an I.T. service provider focused on serving the needs of small business in the UK. We pride ourselves on offering the full range of services required by small business to meet the needs of today’s flexible business practices, allowing our clients to operate more efficiently and produce more value, or to simply make their life easier.

Tutis3 was formed in 2005, with the singular goal of providing small business with access to levels of I.T. know-how and support normally reserved for the Enterprise. With a portfolio and level of service, which other vendors in this marketplace cannot match.

  • Brand Strategy 80% 80%
  • Internet Marketing 60% 60%
  • App Development 50% 50%
  • Customer Happiness 90% 90%
  • Visual Impact 78% 78%

The A-Team

We love it when a plan comes together!

Richard Giles

Richard Giles

Technical Director, Company Founder & The Boss

Richard founded the company back in 2004 and has almost 20 years’ experience in the technology sector in various industries from the public sector to power quality equipment and software.

Wayne Russell

Wayne Russell

Technical Support & Evil Genius

Gru, or Wayne as he is more commonly known, has been with Tutis3 for the past year, previously with EDS & then HP he has a wealth of experience and has enjoyed the switch from corporation to SME and is ever surprised by the diversity of customers Tutis3 supports.

Ian Boseley

Ian Boseley

LED & Media Manager, ......Oooooh the Claw!

Ian has been a freelance technology consultant for several years working closely with Tutis3. When the opportunity to come on board full time arose it was a natural progression for both parties to make their relationship more formal. Ian specialises in Software Development, media creation and website design.

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